Mission:Raise is a multi-faceted Christian based organization with an initiative to feed the souls of young people.  Our goal is to build a Safe Haven for all teens that in turn will bless our area and beyond. The Mission:Raise campus and programs are designed to come along side home, church, and school in elevating our youth.  I encourage you to click around this site in order to get a sense of what we will be able to do with your help! 

Welcome to Mission:Raise 


Raise Cafe

Raise Cafe will offer an amazing training program and job opportunity for many 14-19 years olds. The level of service, quality food, fun atmosphere, and commitment to our teens will keep our restaurant full and exciting.


There will be hundreds of service opportunities @ Mission:Raise for adults and teens alike. If you are on our OUTSERVE Team you will be informed about them all! These Acts of Service breathe Life into us and our communities.


At Mission:Raise our High School Lions stand with Pride as they establish themselves as Leaders. Middle Schoolers gain Strength while finding their eyes to see as Tigers. Our Mama and Papa Bears look over our youth throughout our entire community not just on our own campus.


Linking great tutors to parents and students while providing a safe place to meet and study is one of our primary goals. There was a great deal of consideration to meet this need in the design of Raise Cafe.

The Message

One of the most exciting things we offer is The Message. Whether through music, motivational speakers, or ordinary people with extraordinary stories we shut the Cafe down early one night a week to experience this extraordinary and uniquely delivered message.

Raise Academy

Raise Academy takes home-schooling to a new level. Our 7th thru 12th grade students will have extensive support through teachers and administration in addition to exclusive extra- curricular opportunities.

Raise Music

Passionate people with overwhelming love for music will lead this amazing program. Giving the gift of music will not only be offered to our Academy students but also to you. Music is powerful, positive, and has the ability to unite us.

Camp Raise

Youth run camps during the summer will provide our communities with affordable options for grade school campers. This gives teens the opportunity to be creative, responsible, and mentor littles while having a blast durning the summer.


It’s a rite of passage for a teenager to seek independence. Often that path feels lonely at times, yet technology tries telling us we are “more connected” than ever before. These uncharted waters are difficult. We will have folks on staff ready to address these issues, answer questions, support, and so much more.

We Can't Do This Without You!

Click To Donate Now

Contact Us

Passionate to obey Gods calling on our lives we are determined to catapult Mission:Raise into existence in record time! We are working on filling committee chairs and board seats with divine appointed people. If you would like to come along side to help us we would love to have you. 

Bami Wood